When filming our preliminary task and our main task we learnt how to use the Canon XHAI camera to film both tasks and Adobe Prremiere to edit both of the tasks.
Before we started to film the preliminary task as a group we had a practise session with the camera. We learnt how to set up the camera and tripod from scratch and learnt how to use the different features the camera has. We learnt what the spirit level was, and learnt how to handle the camera with care and in a technical way. As a group we filmed different shots so we could practise how the camera works at all different angles.
For editing we used the Adobe Premiere software to edit our shots. Same with the camera, we had a chance to practise with some footage that we didnt film, we learnt how to cut and fade in and out and how to assembly edit. Also I learnt how to fade out the music when necessary. We then applied what we learnt while practising in our preliminary task and main task.
To prepare for our filming we researched different filming techniques, such as the 'The Rules of Tirds', '180 degree rule' and many others. To get a good insight into these techniques we watched various videos and practised the different techniques when taking shots. Throughout our prelim and main task we used the 180 degree rule, to ensure that viewers don't get confused and keeping the action on the same side of the screen every time. We also used action reaction shots, for example when filming the bloody mary scene in our main sequence we used the reactions of the other charcaters after the words were chanted.
As previously mention in the beginning we had previously practised using the Adobe premier software, when filming our prelim and main task we first conducted a assembly edit, to get all the shots in our of how we would want them. After doing this we were then able to cut the clip down to what we wanted and put it into the order we wanted. Once we had our sequence in order and it was playing fluently we then add effects. Fading was one of our main effects, it was very effective in our main task, we had a flash of the future in the beginning of our sequence. We had our main character on the floor covered in shattered mirror, we took many shots from different angles, so by fading in and out clips and over laping the clips we had the effect of the previous clip fading away and the next one fading in. Also considering the fact that we were making a horror/thriller we needed the music to fade in and out at tge right times and also we learnt along the way how to increase the volume at more dramatic scenes. Also horror movies have darker lighting and our clips were too bright so by selecting a invert we could change the brightness of the frames.
Along the way I learnt more about the editing part, I got the hang of it pretty quickly and enjoyed it, I think being the main editter I had to learn all the skills and techniques. I think the only problem we had was probably the brightness of the frames, because it was too bright when we originally filmed it
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